Monday, July 29, 2013

Porch Tomatoes

One of the more rewarding things I have found in my adult life, is planting something and watching it grow. We are big fans of growing tomatoes, but weren't quite sure how it would work on a porch. 

These little tomatoes were purchased as seeds at Target. Once they started to get big, we replanted and transferred from an indoor plastic container to a larger outdoor potter. We made the mistake of using too many seeds though. As the plant grew, we eventually had to pluck out the less successful stalks. We also made a trip to Pike Nursery to get a stake. 
My one caution would be, that tomato plants needs to be watered frequently. That, and if you live on the top level, winds have a tendency to knock over the plant. It gets a little top heavy as it matures. It will take about 8 weeks for your plant to start producing tomatoes. 


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