Friday, March 14, 2014

Atlanta Antique Auction

J and I were invited to an auction on Friday night. I was excited, but slightly terrified. I googled the auction to no avail. I could find minimal media presence. I was nervous as we pulled outside the warehouse to park. It was dark, and in a questionable area of town. 

From the moment I stepped in the door, my perception changed. It was a huge 30,000 square foot warehouse buzzing with people. A man stood serving tacos and hotdogs. A few feet closer in, two you g women served beer and wine from behind an antique bar. 

J and I found our neighbor, Gabe, who promptly welcomed us with open arms and took us an on a tour. He showed us the ropes, pointing us on the way of the wine and auction registration.

Beautiful antiques started being sold for pennies on the dollar! Swept up by the excitement of the auction and energy in the room, I bid on a shelf. A shelf is basically one shelf on a cart. I found myself paying $48.00 (decimal is correct!) on 47 pieces of silver plate (some even over copper!), pewter and brass.

I hit the holy grail! Thoughts of Craig's List resell and financing our upcoming trip to Bordeaux danced through my head.

My favorite piece was a small silver plated dish with a 'B' monogrammed on the center.

I spent the rest of the weekend polishing away. Below you can see before and after. I found a wonderful way to clean silver. Boil water in a large pot. Once it comes to a boil, remove from the stove. Place aluminum foil on the bottom of the pot. Insert silver piece and add Baking Soda. The mixture with smell like sulfur and work like a charm!

I can say, without a doubt, we will be returning. Perhaps to even purchase some bigger ticket items!

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