After painting the desk my next project was to use some punchy colors to jazz up some of J and I's furniture. The record holder was a piece that I got from my grandfather's house. I hope he would approve. Once my peers who I showed the pictures too, told me painted wood just seemed like a trajedy. Little does he know, it's all the rage and retails for hundreds on sites like Etsy.com.
The first thing I did with these piece was to prime them. I didn't waste time on sanding anything, I just bought a binding primer and went to town. I used a large paint brush and completed 2 coats. By the time I'd finished with the primer, I was over the paint brush and switched to a roller, leaving the brushes for touch up jobs and hard to reach places.
After examining the coffee table, I determined it was too hard to get in between the metal detailing on the side. I left the center portion of the piece exposed, so that the true wood was visable. J and I also polished all the brass and changed out the knobs on each piece to match.

Ta da! The finished project! We let it dry outside for a few hours and then brought them inside and placed them on grocery bags to finish drying. It had been quite dewy outside and I didn't want the pieces to warp. The only issue I had was that the drawers didn't quite fit back into the record keeper/ side table. I've been working on sanding them so they fit better, but it's still tight.

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