Friday, September 28, 2012
Returning the Visit

Monday, August 27, 2012
A Visitor from Georgia

We quickly got ready and headed out to Mermaid Winery. You may remember from before, but Mermaid's is Norfolk's very own urban winery. The service was slow, the trains were loud and had the food and company not been good, we would've been off to a bad start. After apps and a wine flight, we headed to Little Bar Bistro's Empire for dinner. Empire boasts amazing tapas dishes and a fun eclectic atmosphere. EEB told us a few ghost stories and we discussed the paranormal. Both J and EEB are believers, but I've never had an experience, so I'm not a believer yet.
Friday, I had to work from 8 to 5. It was a stressful day, so I was happy to have EEB waiting for me when I got home! We checked out Surf Rider off Great Neck for a little seafood. They had an amazing lobster special for $14.99 of which J took advantage. EEB had shrimp and I chowed down on some Mahi Mahi. After Surf Rider's we headed to Chicks for Virginia Beach's famous Orange Crush. We were only there briefly. I was tired and couldn't stop yawning from a long day at work and EEB wasn't complaining about spending a little quality time on the couch at home either. We headed back to Chick's Beach.

We returned to Chick's Beach tired from being out in the sun and ready for a restful evening. Our friends Pat and Leanne, joined by my roommate Whiney and her boyfriend Will all readily agreed to dine with EEB, J and I at Zia Marie's. Zia's is a little Italian place about a stone's throw away from our house. The food is great and not overly priced. The atmosphere is loud and friendly.
We turned in early again, and we well rested for Sunday morning brunch at Waffletown (which also happens to be on UPromise) before heading to the Norfolk airport to say goodbye. It was so good to see her! I'm looking forward to not waiting 8 months to see my friends again. As I get older, I realize the importance of keeping the people in your life who are important to you close.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Puerto Lago

Trash to Treasure: Part II
The bottom picture is set up at Jason's house for his new desk!
This was a fun project, but cost about $100 for all the primer, paint, handles and twine. The desk was saved and therefore free. After scouring Virginia Beach antique stores for the perfect chair, we ended up finding one at the first thrift store we entered.
Our next project are jars for the kitchen with chalk labels. I cannot wait!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
From Trash to Treasure
When Tim told me he was going to trash this, I asked if I could have it. He looked at me like I was crazy. but agreed. The desk, as pictured, was extremely beat up, had tons of spider webs on it and truly looked like trash. But I saw a vision. Plus J has such a rinky little cheap looking desk in his room, I thought this might be perfect. I went out and bought primer, eggshell colored spray paint, and a finish. I had a nautical theme in mind. I envisioned a ropey looking handle and navy and white striped contact paper. The inspiration for the pulls came directly from Anthropologie. However at $14 a pop, I opted to make my own pulls. I purchased twine for about $3 and 9 pulls off an online site for under $3 each. The spray paint was roughly $4 per can. I've already gone through 1 can of primer (I actually needed 2), 6 cans of eggshell and purchased 4 more cans, plus 2 cans of finisher. Oh, and a sandpaper block, which was about $4 too. This puts me at about $96 for the project.

Mermaid Winery, Norfolk, VA
I will be back to this venue. I love a good wine bar and this combines a winery with a wine bar in some sense of the world. I'd like to find out more about their wine club as well. At $45 to $75 a month for a few bottles of wine, I wasn't sold yet. It would have to rival my go to party wine, Generation Green. I encourage you stop by and give it a whirl. The food is just as good as the wine!
Trout of Papallacta

Sunday, July 8, 2012
Home Grown

Spanish Mackerel
We looked up a simple recipe for grilled Spanish Mackerel. We paired the fish with red Inca quinoa and roasted potatoes seasoned with Parisian spices. The flakey white fish was melt in your mouth. So good that Jason and I indulged in two filets each.
Rockbridge Winery
The wine was delicious, a fresh twist on the ordinary. I must say, we were slightly dismayed to discover the bottles could be purchased in Virginia Beach's Total Wine and More under the local section for a few dollars less. However, our disappointment vanished once the bottles vanished and we were delighted to know we could readily purchase more when desired.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Pink Mint

Well, I never got this far. Somewhere along the way, Wal-mart lost my bike from the warehouse to the store. I emailed them and asked what happened, but never got a reply, just suddenly had my credit card refunded. I was a little bummed because I'd gone through UPromise and earned extra money in my Upromise account for this purchase. I cursed Wal-mart and their bad customer service. What had happened if I'd never pursued the issue? But secretly wished the bike had arrived and debated upon ordering one again. The price was just too good to beat.
The only thing that threw me off was the bike title and warranty. Who gets a warranty for a bike? I have jewelry worth more that I don't even insure. The Hardware store instructed me to register my bike with the police department and put a "secret message" in the seat of the bike that only I know in case it was stolen. I'm sitting here thinking, well, the crooks are filing off the registration number on the bike and popping the seat off already to see if anything's inside.
Any tips on what you would do? I've been leaving my bike inside for the time being.
Anthropologie Magazine

I stalked the Anthropologie website for week to find a sale or a glimmer of hope to elevate me from the woefully expensive duvet I had fallen in love with. I lusted over the Georgina duvet for endless days, hunting the site for the slightest break in price. The duvet with all the given accessories, the shams, euro and dust ruffle, brought my cart total to well into the $700's. Even for a splurge this trumped my budget.
Dismayed I searched other sites. I scoured Urban Outfitters (Anthropologie's sister site), Elm Street, Pottery Barn and The Company Store but could find nothing that compared. Finally, one Tuesday came along where an item I'd overlooked posted. I overlooked the item because the site favored its poppy red companion over the muted nudes and whites. My new discovery had big bulls eye sized pinwheeled in white delicately stitched to a cream duvet. The euros were sold out and I nixed the dust ruffle, bringing my total down to $250 for the shams and duvet. A happy splurge price, considering my last bedspread lasted seven years.
A month in I'm still happy with my duvet choice and it puts a smile on my face every time I walk into my room. For immense satisfaction, hold out for what you want and what you can afford. It'll come along every time. I promise.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Catching Dinner
Monday, May 28, 2012
Memorial Day Kabobs
This Memorial Day I was lucky enough to spend with Jay's family. We sauntered over to his parent's house around three, armed with vanilla bean ice cream and frozen drinks (alcohol included). Jay was put in charge of the meat: one lamb kabob, two steak and two chicken. His mother prepped rosemary bread, sweet corn on the cob and rice to complement the skewers. Paired with Alice White merlot and followed by cigars on the ocean facing third floor porch, the meal was a wonderful cap to a fast weekend. We even got as american as warm apple pie a la mode.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Alligators in Virginia
Last night we grilled the alligator sausage, and let me tell you it was perfect. The sausage is obviously seasoned and much to my pleasure, not spicy. It's difficult to liken it to another meat, but was not unpleasant in the least. However, from my research, it's not much better for you than regular sausage. The truth is, while there may be alligator in the sausage, it's typically blended with pork. Lot of potein, but even more fat, so I'd save this luxury for a calorie splurge and realize the sausage is being branded as alligator as more of a marketing technique. Alligator by itself, however, boasts a lower fat and calorie content than chicken. We paired the sausage with grilled eggplant just to shake things up a bit and enjoyed my lower cal version of a Greyhound (vodka, soda water and a splash of ruby red gratefruit juice).
The question still remains, as pointed out by a friend, where is the alligator meat from if there are not alligators in Hampton Roads?
Introducing From Tidewater to Tidewater
In my life I have had the good fortune to travel and experience new places, foods and wines and I'd like to share my experiences with you.
Welcome to From Tidewater to Tidewater.