On a recent trip to Athens for a GASFAA conference, I was able to enjoy the delectable and delightful local flavor. I was impressed with myself and how much my palate has changed in the mere 6 years since college graduation (it's not that long ago, right?!). Perhaps the draught of people was due to the summer time, but I couldn't help but think I was making more mature restaurant choices that avoided the staples of college life. There were after all people walking everywhere through out the city. I arrived Tuesday evening after a full day of work in the city.
Tired, hungry I pulled on jeans and walked to
The Globe as recommended by
Hotel Indigo. Void of Greek life, I noticed a couple on a first date, 2 hipster dudes and a solo guy with his computer -- whom I can only imagine to be a teacher.
The Globe had tons of character. It was a great, seemingly authentic pub. I was shocked at the prices. A Kobe beef burger for only $12! I must be in a college town. Plus $2 10oz pours of
Bells Heart. Sold.
It was prepared as wonderfully as you could expect a Kobe Beef burger in a college to be prepared. It certainly satisfied my hunger. I was slightly disappointed at first that the place wasn't crawling with college co-eds. Then I quickly rationalized, despite my age and maturity, I may have been embarrassed to be dining alone in a dining room full of judging students with ample friends to dine with in their college town.

Day Two, I ventured to
The National. Foursquare posted that they opened at 11, though it was actually 11:30. However, an A++ for customer service they allowed me to sit at the bar until they opened with a cup of coffee, complete with fresh creamer and raw brown sugar.

I ordered the power lunch and it may be the best tasting purely healthy meal I've ever had. Their menus are printed on a daily basis which I have always taken to be a sign of a great restaurant. The power lunch included: heirloom bean and aromatic rice salad with feta, tomato, basil, and pecan, kale slaw with celery and mustard seed, grilled artichoke and fava salad with garlic, chili and sesame, roasted baby carrots with pumpkin seeds and sorrel for $12.
Stay tuned for Wednesday evening's dining choice and the remainder of Athen's dining choices.